The history of Juab County changed forever in 1869. Eureka! Suddenly the word gold was on everyone’s lips. Large gold nuggets were found in the Tintic Mountains, and hundreds moved in to stake their claims. By 1870, the tent city was called Eureka. Sunshine Mine, with its mother load of rich ore, produced millions of dollars in gold, silver, lead, and other metals.

On the other side of the mountain, another large discovery was made. The extent of the motherload was so large, it was named Mammoth, and a city also grew there.

However, like other boom towns in mining regions, when the ore ran out, people moved away.

Today, the town has come back to life through retail, unique experiences, and opportunities to relive the past by visiting places where gold was king. Start at the Tintic Mining Museum in the town of Eureka. You can view old mining equipment and get info about areas you may want to visit.

Also check out Porter Rockwell Cabin. Porter Rockwell, a bodyguard for Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, built this cabin around 1865 in Cherry Creek, Utah. After restoration, it was moved to Eureka, Utah and is open for the public to visit.

Mining District - Juab UT
Mining District - Juab UT
Mining District - Juab UT
Mining District - Juab UT
Mining District - Juab UT